Aug 19, 2014

Top Ten Books People Have Been Telling You That You MUST Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

I don't get a lot of people saying, "You need to read this book".  So, this is going to be a mix of books people tell me that I need to read as well as books that everyone raves about that I have not read yet.


  1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - I read the first two books of the Harry Potter series when I was younger ad did not like them.  Everyone says to pick up the series again, so perhaps in the future.
  2. The Lightning Thief - I am told so many great things about the Percy Jackson series, but have always felt like I was too old.  However, the more I hear about it the more appealing it becomes.
  3. The Lord of the Rings - I LOVE the movies, but have yet to read the books.  I tried reading The Hobbit (twice) but couldn't get into the writing style which makes me nervous to read this series.
  4. Outlander - Since I am going to Scotland and Stars is creating a series out of this book, I have been told that I should read it. I have started it, but am not too far yet.
  5. Wicked - One of my best friends loves this series and I have bought her quite a few of these books for birthdays and Christmas, but have yet  to read them myself.
  6. Coraline - Or anything Neil Gaiman really.  You see, I have reservations, though.  I read Coraline back in elementary school and was scarred for life when it got to the button for eyes scene.  I'm not sure if I ever will read this book again.
  7. Daughter of Smoke and Bone - I have heard great things about this series by a lot of people and have been told that I would like it.  It is definitely something that appeals to me and would love to read sometime in the near future!
  8. Looking for Alaska - So, I was late coming into the John Green scene with just reading The Fault In Our Stars not even a year ago.  I keep getting pestered to read his other books.  Believe me people, I will get there eventually!  So many books, so little time.
  9. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - Okay, so I kind of threw this one in there.  Either people really enjoy this book, or they did not.  Mostly I hear people saying that they love it, and the  premise seems very intriguing to me.
  10. Obsidian - Everyone seems to enjoy these books and their reminiscence of Twilight, and since I liked Twilight that I should read these too.  Again, so many books and so little time...

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